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[Replicable Practices] Week 10: Cloud Note-taking, Storage and Sharing (Post 1 of 1)

March 31, 2012

Thing #17 Evernote and Dropbox

The tenth week is a tag team week that encourages participants of the 23 things @ MPJ adventure to explore and use two cloud based services, Evernote and Dropbox. To get a sense of what these tools were I explored, poked around their perspective websites.

If you do a Google Search on Evernote vs. Dropbox you will see the topic has been covered. I read this:

Evernote Vs. Dropbox

TEC #014 – Evernote Vs. Dropbox: why choose?


Since both services offer cloud based storage there is never a concern about loosing my USB memory key. Regardless of how they are sued one thing came immediately to mind. What if I shared my storage access with my students with special needs. Since the content is presented in a digital form it already becomes primed and ready for modifications. Therfore students with learning disabilities can easily modify the presentation of the content.  They can:

  1. Print it out in any size, colour and type of font and on any colour or type of paper.
  2. Create electronic flash cards or study cards.
  3. Extract or synthesize important information to help create a study sheet.
  4. Manipulate text on any screen to aid in reading.
  5. Make annotations directly on the text for further clarification.
  6. Pass it through a text to speech program.
  7. Look up words immediately via the web or built in dictionary within programs.

Toothpaste for dinner

Professionally I can:

  1. Share existing lessons.
  2. Collaborate and improve existing resources to improve teaching practices.
  3. More efficiently use time.
  4. Lessons can be inputted into other forms (blog, webpage, wiki, tweet, text, power point, prezi)
  5. Larger files (videos, SmartBoard resources, presentations) can be shared easily.
  6. Standardization of content delivery will improve.
  7. Cross curricular expectations and lessons will be encouraged.
  8. Share meeting minutes and ideas instantly with others back at school.
  9. Capture teaching ideas and resource in out of school settings (via smart phone for example).
  10. Reduce the clutter and number of items transferred back and forth to school.
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